Por uma eclesiologia missional



The purpose of this article is to establish a critical reflection on the growth of the church, in dialogue with the thought of the Puerto Rican Baptist theologian and pastor Orlando Enrique Costas (1942-1987). According to the New Testament, the church of Christ is the agent that leavens all of humanity with the power of the gospel. Thus, the church grows with the purpose of communicating the good news and reproducing itself in communities committed to God's transformative work. This growth should not be an end in itself, but a means that enables the church to participate in faith in everything that God has done, is doing, and will do. In this sense, it is essential to emphasize the biblical-theological notion of integral growth.

Author Biography

Alcir Souza, JMM

Missionário da Junta de Missões Mundiais da CBB. Casado com Ana Claudia e pai de Lucas e Ana Karis. Serve com sua família em Portugal desde 2013. Possui formação em Teologia, Missiologia e Letras (Literatura brasileira). É docente no Seminário Teológico Baptista de Queluz (Lisboa, Portugal).


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