
  • Caleb Mubarak Doutorando pelo Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary , Missouri/EUA e Mestre pelo S outhwestern Baptist Theological Seminary , Texas/EUA. Especialista em Ciência do Islamismo & Psicologia de Emergências, Catástrofes e Perdas Pessoais, ambos cursados na Europa. É missionário da Junta de Missões Mundiais no mundo árabe desde 2005 e atua desde 2015 na causa dos refugiados, liderando viagens voluntárias às comunidades de refugiados sírios nos países do Levante. Por questão de segurança, foi adotado o pseudônimo.


Coexistence, Paradigm, Church, Opportunity, Diaspora, Missiology


Missiology has been increasingly drawn to migration studies and global process assessment. The term diaspora is a reference to people living outside their place of origin and diaspora missiology is a missiological framework for understanding and participating in God's redemptive mission among people living outside their place of origin. The practice of diaspora missions is emerging from the paradigm of diaspora missiology, which includes ministering to diaspora groups (in evangelism and service) and ministering through and beyond them, motivating and mobilizing the Church to fulfill the Great Commission. The purpose of the article is to present an overview of diaspora missiology from a biblical perspective and to suggest the practice of missions among migratory movements in response to demographic changes in the 21st century. The global trend of growing world population movement has origins for missions. Because of this, it is understood that the demographic trend needs to be analyzed through a different thinking, as a new missiological paradigm, through which new ones will be demanded in different parts of the world, among different diaspora communities.


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