Christian Church, refugee, migration, mourning, social capital, mental healthAbstract
Recent migratory flows have opened strong debates in all spheres of society. By the end of 2022, an estimated 108.4 million people have forcibly migrated. And one of the reasons for this is religious persecution. The original impetus for this study was, on the one hand, the observation of the vulnerability that this refugee arrives in the host country, with unique demands and expectations, some of which he hopes will be met by the local Christian church. And, on the other, the agreement that this church can be a protagonist in mediating the integration of this migrant, for example, denouncing faces of racism and confronting judgments, which, supported by an ideology of fear, incite that the welcoming community is being threatened in its privileges. By promoting this integration, the Christian church would contribute to the biopsychosocial well-being of this refugee, who, in turn, also needs to deal with a set of tensions that migration presupposes and that Achotegui (2010) describes as migratory mourning, an essential component to understand the Ulysses Syndrome. But not only that, this same Church will be profoundly enriched by the arrival of this migrant in its bosom, especially if it is able to welcome him as a member ofthe same body and see him as a human being full of the presence of God.
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