
  • Rosângela Ferro Dias Tech de Gamba Mestre em Teologia pela Faculdades Batista do Paraná, professora do Seminário Teológico da Convenção Baptista de Angola, Missionária da Junta de Missões Mundiais em Angola desde 1991.


Islamic Cosmovision, Christian Cosmovision, Theological Formation


This article “Dialogue points with Christian and Islamic Cosmovisions in the theological formation” is a reflexion meant for teachers of Missions in Theology Seminaries and also for local Church disciple makers. This theme came up because of a concern with the religious pluralism observed in recent years in many parts of the World and also with the intolerance from some radical groups. In this regard, it intends to identify how the dialogue between the Christian and Islamic cosmovisions can be a viable tool for the afirmation of the biblical cosmovision of christians. In order reach a better understanding of this topic, this article talks about the main points of convergence and divergence that can be useful to the theological formation of laborers, specially from the cities where religious pluralism is more accentuated. The article is based on the second chapter of the Master’s Dissertation of this author, whose theme is “Discipling guidelines for the affirmation of the biblical cosmovion: the case of the ovimbundus of Huambo.


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