
  • Ricardo Dias Pós-Graduado em Ciências da Religião pela UCAM, graduado em Teologia pela Faculdade Batista do Rio de Janeiro (FABAT), Bacharel e Licenciado em História pela UGF. Missionário da Junta de Missões Mundiais desde 2012. Por questão de segurança, foi adotado o pseudônimo.


Muslim, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Missional, Church


This article seeks to bring an objective proposal of how the missional approach of the Church of Christ is necessary for it to have a relevant role in Muslim communities in Indonesia. For this, the article, through a bibliographic analysis, conceptualizes what “being” a missional church consists of, clarifying the idea in a directive way. After this conceptualization, a survey of data on the Muslim context in the Asian country is carried out, based on the reading of periodicals and statistics from recent years that characterize the syncretic spirituality of local communities, the social and cultural responses of Muslim mutuality and cooperation and traditional behaviors sexist that are recurrent in the demarcated reality. From the understanding of the Islamic religiosity in the region and its social and cultural structure, the "missional" concept is applied to the observed geographic cut, thus proposing an inclusive approach in missionary incursions in this region, in order to promote a new perspective for Christian missionaries preparing to serve in the region and local ones who have committed to the Great Commission.


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